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#QuarantineChronicles | Maelynn

This day in the life is full of amazing food, genuine reflection and inspiration for us all during this time. If you don't drool at the food or find a new instagram obsession then I have failed you with this one.

First name: Maelynn

Occupation: Higher Ed. Administrator

Currently working remotely

I usually wake up at 6:30-ish to let my dog Violet out. I stay in bed until 8:00 a.m. though, and read or think too much and plan breakfast. At 9:00 a.m. I listen to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Nassau on Facebook. Today's breakfast is a veggie omelette and cottage cheese with blackberries.

I am most grateful for time to rest, time to read, and the time and space to write. I can give my writing the attention it deserves without the usual interruptions. Any writer out there can tell you that this is a real gift. I think I’m also developing a deeper bond with some of my friends and I’m especially grateful for that. I’m getting to see them in different ways, see their growth and it’s bringing us a little closer.

For lunch, I made an Orzo salad. And yes, it was just as delicious as you would imagine.

Pre-Covid I was always on the go; planning new ventures, dreaming up new projects, and how to execute some of my best ideas. I know there is this “grind culture” or “hustle culture” that says we have to be constantly improving the quality of our lives or learning new skills and making extra dollars, but I’m taking a wee break from that. I’m out in my backyard more, giving necessary attention to my plants and myself. I finally have time to drink that glass of lemon water in the morning. I think survival and mental well-being are more my goals.

Dinner was cracked conch with salad and sweet potato fries.

The most challenging thing has been being away from my friends. I get to see my family, but no drinks with my gals, no book club meetings, no lunch at Ms. Barbara’s (one of our favorite spots on the Fish Fry), no spur of the moment outings that last all night. And because I don’t have those things, I’m not laughing as much. I’ve had no real deep belly laughs, that make you hit someone or push them, and I kinda miss that. Laughing makes you a different kind of relaxed.

When this is over I am looking forward to:

  1. A night out with friends with all the bells and whistles. I wanna get dressed up and put Fenty Beauty highlighter all over myself! We gonna start with dinner and cocktails and end lounging in Baha Mar talking nonsense.

  2. The beach. I keep dreaming about diving off of a boat into the sea. I need a really good tan.

  3. Going back to work. It seems kinda unexpected, but I miss the young adults that I mentor and interact with at UB, and I am tired of Zoom meetings. Looking at a computer screen is draining in a whole new way.

Here are the Instagram accounts that are really getting me through:

  • @thenapministry – helping me connect with the liberating power of rest.

  • @rebelwomenlit – an online book club in Jamaica. They have been hosting live poetry readings that have been absolutely awesome!

  • @pineapplesandpowertools – it’s a product and services company, but seeing all the pretty things and flowers makes me happy.

  • @gailrenatta – she reads and reviews books, which makes me spend all my money.

  • @700islandpsychology – mental health awareness and mental well-being posts. Lots up uplifting bites.

Some Bahamian artists I’m following:


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